Welcome to TcPHP. We are starting the script now.

Sessions that you can set:
full_load = Makes sure the plugin loads on full load. This is reset before next plugin is runned. (true or false)
fast = Makes the plugin load plugins faster. If having errors try setting this to false. I suggest setting it to true for faster performance. This is NOT reset before the next plugin is runned. (true or false)
color = Makes the text a different color (not the timer but all the other text). This is reset before next plugin is runned. (string)
super_fast = Makes the plugin load plugins way faster. This CAN skip some init and loading methods which can cause issues. Suggest to set this to false. Make sure fast and full_load are set to false or else this will not work. This resets before the next plugin is runned. (true or false)
redirect = Makes it so after the scripts run it will redirect you to a page of your choosing with the session data. Any plugin can change what this is set to, so if you use this make sure they don't interfere! This is not reset before the next plugin is runned. (string)
(plugin_name) = Basically says if a plugin has runned or not (if runned its true if not its false).
(plugin_name)_failed = Basically says if a plugin has failed or not (if it failed its true, if it didn't fail its false).

Add 'chat' as the type variable to make it not search for its loader and not find it (which takes time) to just run right after the time you said.

To send text: send((string)text, (int)wait time, (string)type)

To run a plugin: run((string)plugin) make sure you put the name. If its a folder make sure there is no dot. If it is just a file with php at the end make sure .php is at the end of it.

To see if a plugin was already ran: hasRun((string)plugin).

To try to run a plugin that needs to run before your plugin runs, use tryRun((string)plugin). It returns false if it failed and true if it ran. Remember to make your plugin not run by using the session (plugin)_failed and set it to true. Also make it say it failed if it failed because of another plugin not running.

To see if the person running TcPHP has perms for something, use the function hasPerm(group, permission) (both a strings) to get the group, do _SESSION['rank']